Aligning to Our Life Purpose
How do we know if we are aligned with our life purpose?
How do we know if we are aligned with our life purpose?
Ever since we are born, we already ARE “on purpose”. We might not know it consciously, but the fact that we are here is proof that we were born to fulfill that purpose. There’s a time when one day we all wake up to our true calling and we realize what makes our hearts beat to the rhythm of our Truth. That is the day when we consciously become aware of our life purpose and we experience a rebirth at a soul level.
As we continue walking the path of conscious growth and evolution, we begin to realize that no matter where we are in our process, we are all going to the same place we like to call “Home.” But before we go back to that realm of infinite peace, we also want to be fulfilled here on Earth and feel that we are reaching our highest human potential. Ultimately, we really want to know that we are leaving a mark in the world and making a difference.
Life purpose is such a big word and sometime very intimidating to even think about it. Life purpose implies many things, but specially commitment to one self and to others. We all know deep inside that life purpose also involves helping humanity and “somehow” to be able to contribute to the evolution of the planet. In general, life purpose feels like a huge responsibility, that’s why it can be scary to even think about what that means to us; because we question our ability to offer something of value to humanity, or something that can be considered as “legacy” to the world.
We all have a unique gift that makes us necessary on Earth. We all have the ability to bring magic to the planet and the people around us, hence the reason why we are here. Nothing in the universe is not necessary. Every single living being on the planet is absolutely needed for the evolution of life itself.
How do we start realizing our life purpose?, and most importantly, how do we begin fulfilling it?
I believe the first question we need to ask ourselves is:
Everyone’s life purpose starts at home. We were all born in a family nucleus were we will find the biggest lessons in life, but in order for us to effectively function in society, we most learn to integrate each family member at home first. Integrating our family members means to be able to recognize ourselves in them and realize that what we don’t like about them, it’s just a reflection of our own fears, self judgement and things we most work ourselves from within.
As we learn to integrate our family members, which is not easy, we will also learn the importance and value to integrate each person in our lives as well. This integration process is the foundation for us to consciously realize our life purpose. When we are able to lovingly see others as aspects of ourselves, we will discover that we are all connected to each other energetically (from our heart center or heart chakra) and together we form a huge network worldwide. The concept of Oneness and Unity is real. We are all a big soul family in the world and what affects one, affects us all.
We are here on Earth to integrate as many aspects of ourselves (as many people) as we possibly can. We can only integrate someone by finding something in common with that person and realizing that we are not so different from each other. As you give yourself the opportunity to get to know the person you are trying to integrate, you’ll realize that we have so many similar things that make us equal and with the same right to be understood and be treated with love and respect.
Once we have the capacity to start seeing everyone as a loving reflection of ourselves (without judgement), we’ll also be able to see our life purpose more clearly. We realize that we are all here for one reason and one reason only, which is to serve others and to make sure that we are instrumental for people having a better life experience on Earth.
A life “Of Purpose” is a life of service to others. A life of service is a life where we start considering others as much as we consider ourselves. Every decision we make starts being from a place of asking ourselves questions like: How is my decision benefiting me, but also benefiting others? How is my decision affecting me and also affecting others? The “I” becomes a “We” in All we do, and we realize the importance to proactively help by doing things that also help the planet and the animals. We become selfless in nature and start developing a Mastery that we always have had, but never knew it existed.
Service is our ability to treat and help others with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. These are the teachings of the Masters that have walked before us like Master Jesus, Master Buddha, Mohammed and other higher conscious beings that came to Earth to balance the energy of the planet.
The most conscious beings in the universe are circular in shape and they are pure integration of love. Hence the circular shape of planets and suns. These living consciousness can create and sustain life itself.
Love, Compassion and Forgiveness are an energy cycle that travels in circular fashion like energy does. As we love and treat others with compassion, we are able to give more love and more compassion. The concept of forgiveness is not seeing in the universe as our ability to pardon someone, but rather as our ability to give someone love and compassion. The word forgiveness is composed of 2 words “for” and “give-ness”, which mena to give more love when someone “hurts you” instead of making them feel that you are providing some sort of absolution (release) from guilt and shame to their actions.
All is Consciousness. All is a cycle in the universe.
There’s always a unique way to realize our life purpose. I am simply offering one way of infinite ways you’ll find yours. I do believe that always serving your family first and expand from there is a healthy way to begin “searching” for our higher calling. The satisfaction to be at peace with all our family members and resolve and heal our differences at home is key to our highest expression of development.
There’s not just “One” life purpose. There are thousands of life purposes in one’s life. Each moment, each situation, each challenge you go through successfully with Love and Compassion, is a life purpose you fulfill with that person or group of people.
The invitation is to always look within and get to know yourself first. Once we create and cultivate a loving relationship with ourselves by accepting the beauty that we are, we will set in motion a new loving energy (relationships) with those around us and the world we live in. A life purpose is not a destination we are going to, but rather the journey we are in right now. Your purpose is to live your life in this now moment. Your responsibility is to simply be happy, and in that process of being happy (and if you have time) help others to be happy as well. But only if you have time 😉
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