What are the Chakras

What are the Chakras

The Chakras are centers of consciousness and energy vortices within the human energy field that operate as intake organs for energy. 

The Word Chakras means “Wheel” in Sanskrit. There are 7 main chakras in our body and they are pools of energy that spin in circular motion.

For humanity to have a more pleasant life experience individuals must remember how to accelerate the Light within through the alignment of the Chakras. This is a simple task, but one that takes commitment and should be done on a regular basis.

In the 7th dimension (the dimension of Enlightenment) or what many religious call “Heaven”. Is a dimension where you can “See everything, Feel Everything” where everything is Light. In the 7th dimension you can create any reality and you can feel every possibility of who you are and who you can become. Everything is thought and by thought everything is created and manifested. 

In order to understand the 7th dimension form a 3D perspective, this dimension is split in 7 parts to be experienced. This is why we say there are “7 Universal Laws” but in reality there is just one law subdivided in 7 for understanding purposes.

So the first step is to understand what each chakra is responsible for and how it relates to your experience on planet Earth.